The Cleveland Park 3C05 Newsletter from Sauleh Siddiqui [May 16th]
Welcome to my ninth Newsletter!
Keeping you updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood
I hope to use this email newsletter as a way to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood. I promise not to spam you all and would love feedback on what to include!
Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines Resolution Draft Posted and FAQ
The Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines process is a community input framework for integrating mixed-use development into the Woodley Park and Cleveland Park Historic Districts to support the need for housing at various income levels and household sizes while sustaining a thriving commercial corridor, maintaining compatibility with the historic districts, and enhancing the public realm for residents and visitors. It is the first of a several-year process of providing much needed housing for our neighborhood.
The DC Office of Planning (OP) has shared the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines for public review and comment. The public comment period on the draft runs from Friday, April 21, through Friday, May 26. You can download the draft here and submit your feedback here. OP also presented at our Planning, Zoning, Housing, and Economic Development committee meeting on May 1st. The slides are here and video recording is here. We will be voting on a resolution regarding these draft guidelines on May 22nd. I have prepared an FAQ document about these guidelines to help understand what’s in them! Please email us at to let us know what you think of the resolution.

Volunteers needed for the Uptown Shuffle on Sunday June 4th!
The Uptown Shuffle returns to the Sam's Park & Shop. Co-presented with the Cleveland Park Community Association, join for an afternoon of dancing, games, food and fun in the parking lot of Sam’s Park and Shop on June 4, 2023 from 12-4PM. Please click here if you are interested in volunteering.
Farmer’s Market is Back!
Our farmer’s market returned on the west side of Connecticut in front of the Uptown this past Saturday. Drop by for great items each Saturday from 9am-1pm!
Next ANC 3C Meeting May 22 at 7pm
Our next ANC 3C meeting will be on May 22nd and will have a number items we would love input on. If you have an opinion, please email!
Resolution Regarding Protecting the soccer field and outdoor space at Adams Middle School [Sponsored by Commissioner Prinzo]
Resolution Regarding WMATA “Visionary Network” for Bus Routes and Schedules [Sponsored by Commissioner Kripke, Pagats, and myself. Resolution Forthcoming, we will be advocating for 96, L1, and extra service on Wisconsin Avenue, including the 37]
Resolution Regarding the ‘Service Lane’ along the East Side of the 3300-3400 block of Connecticut Avenue NW between Macomb and Ordway Streets NW [Sponsored by Commissioner Gordon and myself]
Resolution Regarding ANC3C Comments on the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines April 2023 Draft [Sponsored by all Commissioners who represent Connecticut Avenue]
This week’s super constituent!
I cannot do my work without your help, so I want to celebrate a constituent who helped make our neighborhood better. Yesterday, Chris Backley reached out to me and let me know that the new crosswalk on Macomb St. NW was up by the library but the walk signal was not facing the proper direction. I reached out to our wonderful Cleveland Park Streetscape Team and they responded right away. Within a day, the walk signal is facing the right direction! I am so grateful to Chris for letting us know about it and helping the community. Because of him, we all have a safer crosswalk.
Sauleh Siddiqui, Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc