The Cleveland Park 3C05 Newsletter from Sauleh Siddiqui [March 30th]
Welcome to my fifth Newsletter!
Keeping you updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood
I hope to use this email newsletter as a way to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood. I promise not to spam you all and would love feedback on what to include!
[CANCELED] Macomb Street NW Reconstruction Design Project Public Meeting Tuesday, April 4, 2023 6:30pm-8:00pm
This meeting has been canceled by DDOT. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will be holding a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 6:30pm-8:00pm to provide an update on the Macomb Street NW Reconstruction Design Project, which extends from Ross Place to Connecticut Avenue NW. DDOT will share an update on the project and answer questions from the community. You can login to the meeting here and learn more from the flier here, including other ways to join.
Resolutions Passed at March 20th Meeting
Our ANC passed a number of resolutions at our last meeting, three of which I co-authored:
2023-CONSENT Regarding Historic Preservation Review Board Application for 3401 Newark Street NW
2023-CONSENT Regarding Transportation To School For Students With Special Needs [Sponsored by Sauleh]
2023-CONSENT Regarding Supporting Tenants’ Rights and Rent Stabilization in ANC 3C [Sponsored by Sauleh]
2023-007 Regarding Limits on Restaurants and Bars in Woodley Park’s Business District
2023-006 Regarding Limits on Restaurants and Bars in Cleveland Park’s Business District [Sponsored by Sauleh]
If you have questions about any of these or would like to follow-up on any of these items, please let me know!
Items for next ANC 3C meeting April 19th
At our next meeting, we will be considering the following items. If you would like to provide input on any of these, please let me know!
2023-DRAFT ADU Reform Resolution [Will be discussed at PZHED Meeting Monday, April 3rd]
2023-DRAFT Resolution Historic Districts and Equity [Will be discussed at PZHED Meeting Monday, April 3rd]
Requesting the District Department of Transportation and Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority return Bike Lockers to the Cleveland Park Metro Stop
This week’s super constituent: The Cleveland Park Library!
As some of you might know, a hate group organized a book reading at the Cleveland Park Library on Wednesday. Commissioners Pagats and Gise communicated regularly with the library about how they were handling it, and made it clear that our community did not want this to happen. Unfortunately the library was bound by their internal and First Amendment rules to host the event, since someone with a DCPL (DC Public Library) card had reserved the room. It was not a library-sponsored event. DCPL though made sure everyone felt welcomed at the library that day, as you can see in the photo below. I also want to thank Commissioners Gise and Kripke for being at the library that day to ensure that the event did not escalate.

This event showed we are still far from a society in protecting our LGBTQ+ community members. I have reached out to the library to ask how we can advocate for changing their current rules to protect everyone in the community. If you would like to work with me on this, please let me know!
Sauleh Siddiqui, Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc