The Cleveland Park 3C05 Newsletter from Sauleh Siddiqui [April 20th]
Welcome to my seventh Newsletter!
Keeping you updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood
I hope to use this email newsletter as a way to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood. I promise not to spam you all and would love feedback on what to include!
Celebrate Earth Day with two cleanup opportunities this Saturday in the neighborhood!
If you are a morning person, head over to Macomb Park from 8-10am to join CPCA to clean up and bundle the debris leftover from last fall’s kudzu removal (see picture below). Please bring gloves and clippers if you have them available!
If you are an afternoon person, join Cleveland Park Main Street at 3:30pm at the west corner of Porter and Connecticut by GW Immediate and Primary Care. We’ll spend 30 minutes picking up litter and then head over to Nanny O'Brien's around 4pm for drinks and socializing. Grabbers, gloves, and trash bags will be provided.
Bonus points for those who do both! And you’ll get to meet great people too.
Hosting Beth Osborne from Transportation for America on April 29th from 11am-1pm at Cleveland Park Library
The Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation Committee is hosting Beth Osborne from Transportation for America to lead an in-person event on transportation safety at the Cleveland Park Library on Saturday, April 29th from 11am-1pm. We unfortunately will not have a hybrid option available due to logistics. Please RSVP on this form early since space is limited.
Safety Committee of the Cleveland Park Community Association hosting Commander John Branch at the Cleveland Park Library on Thursday, April 27th, 6:30pm
The Safety Committee of the Cleveland Park Community Association invites all Cleveland Park Residents to welcome Commander John Branch, the newly appointed Commander of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Second District. If you have any questions or concerns, this is a chance to share them. The event will also be streamed on CPCA’s Facebook page.
Updates from ANC 3C meeting April 19th
We passed the following resolutions!
ADU Reform Resolution [Sponsored by Commissioner Pagats]
Regarding Racial and Demographic Impact Analysis of Historic Districts [Sponsored by me and Commissioner Pagats]
Resolution Regarding District of Columbia Public Schools Funding and Proposed Budget Cuts to Eaton Elementary School [Sponsored by me]
Old People Are Cool Recognition Resolution of 2023 [Sponsored by me]
Opposing the Proposed Elimination of DC Circulator Service from Woodley Park-Adams Morgan to McPherson Square Metro [Sponsored by Commissioner Gise]
Resolution Regarding Grant application for Endangered Animals Public Art Project [Sponsored by Commissioner Kripke]
You can watch a recording of the meeting here, which also includes a presentation by Ashley Wells of the DC Smart Street Lighting Project, Heba ElGawish from Office of Planning who told us that draft plans for the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines will be released tomorrow on the website, and Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Keith Anderson presenting on the budget.
Next ANC 3C Meeting May 22 at 7pm
Our next ANC 3C meeting will be on May 22nd and will have two items we would love input on:
Responding to the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines will be released tomorrow on the website. There has been robust community engagement from the Office of Planning over the past year and now we get to weigh in on the plans.
The future of the Cleveland Park Service Lane. Please see an introduction at the YouTube link here (starting at the 53:00 mark) and the project website here. We also discussed this at the last Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation Committee meeting (around 20:10 here). We are discussing whether or not we want to keep the service lane open to cars. We will have two more opportunities to discuss the service lane at the next two committee meetings before the vote on May 22nd. If you have an opinion, please email!
Thanking a DC Government Employee
Councilmember Frumin’s office has incredibly dedicated people working in it, but today I want to especially thank Amy Sinnenberg. She’s been helping the community since Mary Cheh was in office, and I have found myself reaching out to her for everything from downed trees to broken trash cans to blocked sidewalks. Amy has somehow always found the right person who can help if she can’t, and has kept me updated along the way. The latest thing she helped us with was uplifting the new tenants’ association at the Parkway. Amy not only makes my life easier, she works behind the scenes to support all of us in more ways than one. If you have a chance, please do send a thank you email to Amy at!
Sauleh Siddiqui, Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc