The Cleveland Park 3C05 Newsletter from Sauleh Siddiqui [October 17]
Welcome to my sixteenth Newsletter!
Keeping you updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood
I hope to use this email newsletter as a way to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood. I promise not to spam you all and would love feedback on what to include!
Support a New Grocery Store in Woodley Park!

I know this is a Cleveland Park newsletter, but everyone I have met in Woodley Park has asked me to find a way to get a grocery store there. We are in luck, thanks to the extensive facilitation and community engagement of Commissioner Adam Prinzo, we have a chance to get a grocery store in Woodley Park. This will go a long way in helping neighbors who have to travel far for basic necessities, and also fill an important gap for a neighborhood that will be welcoming many new residents in the near future. The draft resolution is linked in our meeting agenda, and I highly recommend you all send an email to in support of the resolution and also thank Commissioner Adam Prinzo for all his work!
Advocate for road safety on Reno Rd.NW/34th St NW
I want to thank Commissioner Nash for collaborating to ask DDOT for traffic calming on Reno Rd.NW/34th St NW. View the proposed letter here and send an email to in support of the letter. We will be voting on this at our meeting on October 23rd.
Next ANC 3C Meeting October 23rd 7pm via Zoom
You can view the agenda for our next ANC3C meeting here and register for the meeting here. Along with the items I mention above, we will also have a presentation by the DC Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA) on OTA’s mandate, services, capabilities and eviction prevention, and Community Education regarding Washington Gas’ PROJECTpipes Plan.
Latest Information for Fall Leaf Collection
DPW still does not have maps to show who lives in Section A vs. who lives in Section B of any of the Wards in DC. Residents who live in Section A should rake their leaves out to the tree box or curb by Sunday, October 29. Collection will begin Monday, October 30 and run through November 11, 2023. Residents who live in Section B should rake their leaves to the tree box or curb by Sunday, November 12. Collection will begin Monday, November 13 and run through November 25. I will update you as I know more. If your street has not been collected 8 business days after DPW has announced collection has started in the next section, please call 311 (202-737-4404) or visit to open a “Leaf Collection Missed” service request. To get updates, you can call the Leaf Line (202)-671-LEAF (5323) or go to the apps listed on the webpage:
Federal Workers’ Bike Ride and Rally Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 7:30 AM Cleveland Park Metro
Whether you are a federal government employee or not, please join for a morning bike ride to show our support for safe routes to commute to work. During the rally, speakers will talk about ways federal workers can support in efforts to build safe routes to commute to work.
DETAILS [Register here]:
Event Date: Wednesday, October 25th
Route: Meet at Cleveland Park Metro Station and Finish At Dupont Circle
Ride Time: 7:30 A.M.-8:00: A.M
Rally Time: 8:00am-8:30am (held at Dupont Circle)
Food: Light refreshments at Dupont Circle
Thanking a super constituent!
A lot of the work I do cannot happen without the support of you all who point out issues to me. This week, I want to thank Elisa Braver, who has contributed to our neighborhood in many ways, but one way this week was her calling the Leaf Collection phone number and getting the details I mentioned above. She’s also a community leader and volunteer who enabled the grant to the Ward 3 Food Pantry and helps so many of our neighbors who need food every day. Thank you Elisa for all you do!
Sauleh Siddiqui, Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc