The Cleveland Park 3C05 Newsletter from Sauleh Siddiqui [January 15]
Welcome to my nineteenth Newsletter!
Keeping you updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood
I hope to use this email newsletter as a way to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in the neighborhood. I promise not to spam you all and would love feedback on what to include!
Take the Neighborhood Use Survey!

Cleveland Park Main Street needs your help and it will only take 10-12 minutes of your time. They are conducting a market research survey to help inform merchants, property owners, and brokers about area residents’ shopping patterns and what types of businesses and improvements you want in our neighborhood. Previous surveys helped show how the neighborhood gets to and uses businesses, and helps us identify positive change such as the new pedestrianized promenade shown above. Please share the survey link with your neighbors. If you live in a building that has an email list, please ask permission to send this out. Click here to begin the survey:
Deadline to complete the survey is January 31, 2024.
Event tomorrow with book signing at the library: THE LAST POLITICIAN: INSIDE THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE
Join the event hosting Franklin Foer at 7pm (book signing at 6:30pm) on Tuesday, January 16th at the Cleveland Park Library. Register for free at
Public Safety Forum Hosted by Councilmember Frumin Wednesday, January 17 | 6 to 7:30 pm at the Cleveland Park Library
Councilmember Frumin will be joined by MPD Chief Pamela A. Smith, US Attorney Matthew Graves, Attorney General Brian Schwalb, and Office of Unified Communications Director Heather McGaffin to discuss how we can address crime in our city. Join us in person or register to participate virtually.
Councilmember Frumin Budget Listening Session Jan 20 10am
Councilmember Frumin is seeking your feedback for the city’s upcoming budget season. Share what matters most to you in the District and help shape the future of Ward 3. Register for the second-annual budget listening session on January 20. If you’re unable to attend, you can email his office your thoughts or call them at 202-724-8062. Saturday, January 20 | 10 to 11:30 am | Zoom
First ANC3C Meeting of the Year Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom!
Join us for our first meeting of the year! We will have officer elections, discuss advocating for composting in multifamily buildings, and have updates from committees. Register here.
Sauleh Siddiqui, Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc